Books to Read in Your 20’s

Have you seen these lists? A quick google search and you can find hundreds of these lists on a variety of websites. They usually include some assortment of genres, but nearly all include The Bell Jar, a book by a comedian (Bossypants by Tina Fey seems to be the current choice, though some still include works by Chelsea Handler), and On the Road. Although most of the books on these lists are undeniably great in their own way, though I can’t say I’ve read them all, I have a real problem with the idea that you need to read these books because you’re 20.

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You Don’t Think You Are (But You Probably Are)

Social media has allowed the world, and my generation in particular, to become over-sharers. That may sound a bit hypocritical coming from a 20-something sitting behind a computer, sharing her thoughts this very second, however it is in fact the truth. I try to avoid it, to the best of my ability, however we are all guilty of over-sharing.

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